Everyday I get at least 5 hits due to Google searches for "hot asian chicks." Considering I only get 10 hits a day, the math sort of does itself.
So here is the first installment in what may be many: Hot Asian Chicks You Should Know.
Today's installment is on Michelle Malkin. Some of you seem to not know who she is, so let me enlighten you. She is a conservative columnist and contributor for Fox News. She's also a blogger, one of the most widely read conservative bloggers on the Web, in fact.
According to her Web site (which I'm breaking my own rules in linking to, but just this once for you nice people), her first book Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores
(Regnery 2002) is a bestseller. Strangely, she doesn't mention her other book, the one for which she is much more infamous.
In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in WWII and the War on Terror is just what it sounds like. She argues, rather forcefully I might add, that when there is a war, there is nothing wrong with suspecting people based purely on ethnicity. Round up all the brownskinned people is the answer du jour for people that are, oh what's that word, racist.
That's what I think she is anyway. I'm not sure what else you can call it when you believe that rounding up American citizens based on the fact that they have slanty-eyes and putting them behind barbed-wire for four years is a necessary step for homeland security.
Now full disclosure, I haven't read the book all the way through. I have heard her discuss it on television, though, and the gist of her argument, if I understand her correctly, is that what we did wasn't as bad as the Nazis putting Jews in concentration camps since we didn't gas anyone. And that makes it all right.
If anyone has read the book and came to a different conclusion, please let us know. If you read the book and think it is a piece of crap, let us know.
Now I do think she is a racist and wingnut whacko, but she does look good on the television. And that is why she is our first Hot Asian Chick You Should Know.